Return on investment in your education
Estimate the value of your educational investment with our University Return on Investment Calculator©, designed for prospective students and parents alike.
Return on Investment (RoI) is a measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment. It compares the gains from the investment to its costs. In this case, the expected lifetime earnings represent the gains, while tuition fees and living expenses are the costs.
Please note, the calculator only provides illustrative estimates and does not constitute financial advice. To find out more about the methodology or to obtain a personalised estimate with a comprehensive analysis, we invite you to contact us at Study Space.
RoI Calculator
How to use the calculator
Enter Annual Fees: Input the amount you expect to pay each year for university fees.
Enter Annual Cost of Living: Input your expected annual living expenses while attending university.
Enter Number of Years at University: Input the number of years required to complete your university course.
Enter Starting Salary: Input the annual salary you expect to earn after graduation.
Calculate RoI: Click the "Calculate" button to see the estimated return on investment displayed as a percentage.
You can always amend the inputs and re-do the calculation - just press 'Calculate'.
Not sure about the inputs? Please see example values below👇
Return on Investment:

Example inputs
Feel free to use these estimates as example inputs. Please note the cost of living can vary significantly depending on personal preferences. Contact us to book a consultation and obtain a personalised estimate.
Annual international student fees (Course: Finance):
City University of London - £24,500
University of Manchester - £30,000
Average annual cost of living:
London - £20,000
Manchester - £16,000
Average annual starting salary (Finance Graduate) -
London - £34,500
UK - £30,000
The estimates were sourced in June 2024.